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Scripts ImageJ

Scripts Origin C

Free Scripts for

ImageJ and OriginC



General informations

These scripts are largely annotated in english to ease the understanding of each part of the code.

At the top of most scripts you will find what the script is doing, and what are the input (excel file, origin file, one or a serie of images in a specific format, ...), and what are the output (array of values, graphs, files, ...).

These scripts were designed for specific needs in our research team but it is easy for programmers to change the format of the input or the output to adapt to other needs.

Most scripts are explained in detail in a quick-view pdf file provided with the script. Some icons shown in these explanations are home made and can be replaced by any other icons.

The name of some scripts starts with a zero so that the file appears first in a list of files.

All scripts have been written under the windows environment but they should be easily transfered to other systems.


For more Informations

Feel free to ask me for more informations:



If you are using a script for a research article, please cite this web page: